The Merciless Mirror

We all possess beauty,
So close you can see.
Just open your eyes,
And there it shall be.

But oft we see not,
The beauty within.
And focus on structure,
And color, and skin.

The mirror reflects
Who we think we are.
Shallow or deep,
Bit player or star.

For sanity sake,
It must be said.
Ignore the mirror,
For what’s in your head.

As we all possess,
Beauty, you see.
Just open your mind,
And there it shall be.

About breezespeaks

The Awful Truth is about Life, Sports, Politics, Religon, Food, News and anything else that tickles my fancy. My wife Kathy, and my kids, Will and Cait, will make periodic appearances as needed. So lets begin.
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6 Responses to The Merciless Mirror

  1. GD says:

    There was a short story I once read about a very poor family who never owned a mirror, and then one day bought one from a passing merchant. They call became selfish and evil and obsessed with outer beauty.

    This was a great poem. Thanks for sharing.
    Visit my writing blog at

  2. Veronique says:

    Beautifully put & so true!

  3. Susan Kelley Proulx says:

    Wow. How sweet and true this is. We look at a person and think we *get* them — we know nothing about others if we can’t connect with their mind or heart.

    Wow. Excellent poem Breeze.

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