Playing a Part

I saw god standing on a corner
last night.
Under a broken street light.
He looked
Tired and hungry and beat,
Sad and alone on the street.

I saw god retching and bent over,
A man
Spewing into a garbage can.
He was
Coughing and shaking and sick,
His demeanor cut to the quick.

Who’s to say god isn’t among us.
That he,
Might or might not be
A woman.
Pushing a shopping cart,
Maybe just playing a part.

I saw god standing on a corner
Last night.
Under a broken street light.
He looked,
Mad and angry and pissed.
A sight one shouldn’t have missed.

About breezespeaks

The Awful Truth is about Life, Sports, Politics, Religon, Food, News and anything else that tickles my fancy. My wife Kathy, and my kids, Will and Cait, will make periodic appearances as needed. So lets begin.
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4 Responses to Playing a Part

  1. Veronique says:

    So poignant…and yes, I do believe G-d is pissed with what’s goin’ on in the world today. We are all supposedly created by him, in his likeness yet we don’t treat each other as such-its disgraceful…

  2. Mari O'Connor says:

    of course, I suspect God is a dog…

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