A Nation of Prostitutes

Yes, I know.  Hyperbole, right?

But think about it.  We all sell ourselves to the highest bidder for an average of forty hours a week for fifty weeks a year. If you started working at twenty, and work until you’re sixty-five, you will have put in 93,600 hours of labor.  That is over ten and a half years of non-stop work, day and night.  Ten and a half years of your life that you will never get back.

Where do I sign up.

And the powers that be want you to keep working, but they want to cut your pay.  Plus, they want to cut your benefits, too.  And they don’t want you to complain, because you can, and will, be replaced.  Be happy and grateful for the job you have.

This is the new normal.  Get used to it.

I used to rail against American companies who refused to pay their workers a living wage, and were thus killing their own markets.  After all, if people don’t have enough money to spend, who will buy the products being produced?  I couldn’t fathom why a corporation would intentionally reduce the buying power of consumers, especially when said companies are sitting on piles of money from rising profits.

Then, about a week ago, I read where General Electric, led by Obama’s Job Czar, Jeffrey Immelt, sold more of their products overseas than they did here in America, by a margin of 20%.  That is no small fact.  Sixty percent of everything GE produced was sold somewhere other than here.  And as the world continues to grow smaller due to the internet, that number will rise.  American corporations are in the process of abandoning their American markets to concentrate on world markets.  Paying their workers a fair wage is no longer in their best interests.  The bottom line dictates that costs be kept low here in the States, while companies concentrate on foreign sales.  This is the New World Order.

The ruling elite, led by the Republican Party – but with no small help from the Democrats – want less taxes, less regulations, less oversight and more money.  Hell, I give them credit for being up front about it.  Their main concern is for the wealthy.  They don’t even feign interest in the middle class anymore, and the poor are scapegoated and vilified for daring to be poor.  And if you point out the disparity between rich and poor, they cry class warfare.  Or call you a tax and spend liberal.  But you will notice, they NEVER dispute the numbers.  They just use talking points.

Wages have never kept up with the cost of living, now more so than ever.  But try to raise the minimum wage and the people in charge cry bloody murder.  “We can’t afford to pay any more,” they howl.  “You will put companies out of business,” they scream.  “Don’t tell us what to pay our employees,” they rage.  But has any rise in the minimum wage ever resulted in any of these things?  Of course not.  They are just more talking points.  The only way our domestic economy will fully recover is if wage earners have more money in their pockets to spend.  The demand for consumer products depends on the consumer, and right now, they have very little cash on hand.

The New World Order depends on keeping the workers down, and a large pool of unemployed workers are needed to keep everyone in their place.  If someone acts up, or if, God forbid, someone mentions a UNION, they can be quickly replaced.  Nothing is going to change as long as we allow it to continue.  People must realize what is going on.  If the Republicans get into office come November, it will only get worse.  Taxes on the rich will drop even lower.  The so-called entitlement programs will shrivel up and die, leaving poor folk out in the cold, both figuratively and literally.  The disparity in income will grow even larger.  The ranks of the poor will grow astronomically.  The deficit will spiral out of control because without tax revenue, where is the money supposed to come from.  We have had a decade of tax cuts for the “Job Creators,” but no new jobs.  We have spent trillions on needless wars.  Well, needless to the workers.  To the ruling elite, they were big money makers, and still are.  While the poor fight, the ruling elite profit.  And life goes on.

So keep watching television, and ignore what is happening.  Vote Republican, and get more trickle down economics (it worked so good when Bush was President.)  I’m not saying Obama is the be all end all, but at least he feigns interest in the working classes.  Soon, if I’m not mistaken, we will have two classes in America:  The Ruling Elite and the Working Poor.

America is supposed to be better than this.

About breezespeaks

The Awful Truth is about Life, Sports, Politics, Religon, Food, News and anything else that tickles my fancy. My wife Kathy, and my kids, Will and Cait, will make periodic appearances as needed. So lets begin.
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3 Responses to A Nation of Prostitutes

  1. Pingback: breezespeaks | The Awful Truth – A Nation of Prostitutes « Ye Olde Soapbox

  2. Star Wise says:

    Hi, Billy, I understand what you are saying. I have started saying to some of my work associates lately, “I don’t mind going to work, but I do mind the hours”, because I work full-time for the Government. That is 10 hours a day, including travel, five days a week or 50 hours a week. As I am getting older in body, I am now noticing the effects a little and would like more time to “myself” to engage with people and life and to feel that I am alive more than I feel as I do with my current routine records officer job for the public service. I have been working for 25 years straight now and not an early end in sight due to mortgaging and re-mortgaging.

    I think that it is sad and terrible what is happening in America – “the land of the free” but only in Orwellian terms, that is, freer for some over others. Here in Australia, at least amongst those in my circle of friends and acquaintances, we wonder over how there can be such un-equity and disparity in the U.S.A. in terms of those who purposefully and greedily create it, and those whom let it happen. Don’t get me wrong. When I say “those whom let it happen” I mostly mean those in positions of power whom can change the balance of things toward having the needs of ALL met.

    Even here in Australia, the same thing is happening on a smaller scale, but with the major political parties having become more alike in their principles lately. The voter of America needs to really understand what each major party stands for, and to swing the balance toward the not wealthy.

    I agree that “the New World Order depends on keeping the workers down, and a large pool of unemployed workers are needed to keep everyone in their place.” This is something which many people do not understand or do not want to understand. I think that it is also a matter of control in terms of the ruling wealthy elite giving out the (wrong) brain-washing messages “we are the saviours of all these poor unemployed people, it is not so bad being poor or unemployed because we are providing you with something at least.”

    I have always been in the Union as a worker, and was even the Union Delegate once while working for an educational institution. The Unionists had their entitlements whittled away back then, and it was a hard push for me to enforce them. For example, the CEO wouldn’t even let me book a meeting room during the lunch hour for an important meeting, although the Award stipulated something to the effect that “meeting room facilities will be provided for Union members, to be booked at a time which does not Inconvenience the organisation”. I had to serve this article upon him to secure the room booking.

    Furthermore, the room in question was free for the time I booked it, but then suddenly on the day of the meeting, the HR Manager told me I couldn’t have the room at that time, without giving any reason. I elicited the assistance of the Organiser at the Union I am with, and as the room was free at that time, the meeting went ahead. But this experience made quite an impression upon me, as you can imagine, along the lines of “it sucks”.

    Here’s wishing and visualising the tide turning for the better.

    • breezespeaks says:

      Hey Celine, always nice to hear from you. I was surprised to see you’ve been working for 25 years, as I pictured you in your twenties, at least that is how you come across in your writings.
      Right now, minimum wage jobs are the fastest growing jobs in America. The same thing happened after the Great Depression, which created the union movement, but Americans are either too stupid or too complacent to care about such things. Here, unions are viewed as communistic. Some states have tried to castrate unions through legislation to the point where they are powerless. But folks don’t seem care or notice. They’d rather sit home and watch TV.
      Television is the opiate of the masses, to paraphrase Marx.
      Sorry to hear about your experience as a union delegate. Here, at least at Wal-Mart where unions don’t exist, union organizers are fired, although that is against the law (supposedly.) The Court system is for big business, and it doesn’t get much bigger than Wal-Mart.
      I too wish the tide would turn, but I fear revolution will be the only way.
      Thanks, Billy.

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